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Revocation Revocation Revocation

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The reason why you should check driving licences on a regular basis is highlighted by the following driver (name changed) who did not notify his employer and believed that not adding the points to their Licence would not jeopardise their employment.

The driver Mr. “X” has a revoked licence.

The reason for the revocation was due to endorsement details not being added to their licence.  The DVLA revoked his licence on the 21/01/2011, the driver has 28 days from that date to return his licence to have the endorsement details added. After this time the licence is no longer valid and he will not be entitled to drive.

The endorsement details are:

CU80 (Using a mobile phone while driving)  conviction date XX/04/2007 3 points
SP50  (Exceeding speed limit on a motorway) conviction date XX/11/2010 5 points
MS90 (Failure to give information as to identity of driver and so on) conviction date XX/12/2010 6 points

The driver now has a total of 14 points.

Revocation of driving licences

Drivers who receive penalties from the courts or the fixed penalty offices for offences that do not result in disqualification, are required to surrender their current valid driving licence for the endorsement to be added. Many drivers fail to surrender their driving licence to the courts or DVLA and in these circumstances the law provides that we can revoke the licence as a last resort.

Before revocation takes place the driver will have received two letters from the court and a further two letters from DVLA.

Prior to November 2010

At the point DVLA revokes a licence their interpretation prior to November 2010 was that the law allows a ‘concessionary period’ of 12 months during which the driver may continue to drive. If, at the end of the concessionary period, the driver has failed to surrender their licence their entitlement is removed.

New procedure from 7 November 2010:

The DVLA will request that drivers surrender their licence for endorsement within 28 days of notification of court conviction. If drivers fail to do so, DVLA will revoke their licence after the 28 days has expired.

In the last year DVLA estimate that around 42,000 drivers have failed to return their licence and had their entitlement revoked. DVLA would have advised these drivers that despite the revocation, they would have retained entitlement to drive for 12 months and DVLA will have applied that concessionary period. DVLA expect that many of these drivers will have complied during this period and so DVLA do not intend to contact these drivers and will allow the 12-month time period to expire.

Revoked Licences

A licence can be revoked (withdrawn) for the following reasons:

  • On medical grounds
  • Under the New Drivers Act 1995
  • If a licence is issued in error
  • Failure to surrender a licence for endorsement.

There are no set periods for length of revocation once the driver has complied with the Secretary of State’s wishes an appropriate licence may be issued.

What can Licence Bureau do to ASSIST ITS CLIENTS?

1. LB has raised a number of points with DVLA following this policy change and awaits response.

2. We suggest that every company acts as follows:

a. Notify drivers of the change in law

b. Companies change their policy so drivers must notify them of any endorsement conviction.

c. Company once notified undertakes a check with Licence Bureau to ensure the endorsement has been added and Licence is not revoked.

3. Licence Bureau will continue to confirm revoked drivers by telephone contact and supporting e-mail.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group