Driven by quality, which is central to our client solutions, we are fully compliant with a comprehensive range of internationally recognised Quality Management Systems, all accredited by British Standards Institute (BSI). We are one of only a handful of UK organisations to have been awarded the ISO:39001 Road Traffic Safety Management Systems accreditation.

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management

ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management

PAS99 Integrated Management Systems

ISO 14001 Environmental Management

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management

Investors in People

DVSA approved centre

UKROEd approved to deliver NDORS

Appointed by the Department for Transport
Our statements and policies
Our ethos
Protecting people on the move.
TTC is committed to improving road safety by empowering people through education and ultimately changing behaviour.
Equality and diversity
We are committed to providing an inclusive working environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We recognise people from different backgrounds, experiences and abilities can bring fresh ideas and innovations to improve our working practices and business, particularly towards offering a service provision to our customers and clients that meets a diverse range of needs.
Why we have an Equality & Diversity Policy
We have a diverse customer base, one that expects to be served by people with whom they can identify, and our aim is to ensure that this expectation is met and maintained. Encouraging everyone who has contact with us to celebrate their own diversity and that of their colleagues is key to our values and critical to our business success.
Equally legislation and associated regulations exist to protect employees, customers and clients. The we recognise our responsibilities and obligations under the Equalities Act 2010 hence we have a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure a responsive approach.
Demonstrating our commitment to Equality & Diversity
In our continuing effort to ensure that diversity is embedded in our culture, reflected in our people and to better serve our customers we will endeavour to:
- Continuously strive to understand the impact of our services on our customers and employees and where challenges are identified work to remove or reduce them;
- Increase our ability to relate to existing and potential customers wherever they exist;
- Remove or reduce barriers through appropriate consideration of reasonable adjustments;
- Build effective relationships in the wider community through partnerships with community based groups;
- Fully utilise the talents of all TTC people;
improve recruitment and retention from all people groups; - Ensure that employment decisions are based on business needs and the individual’s ability to do a job;
- Enhance decision making and innovation, by encouraging interaction and involvement.
We will take the following steps to ensure that this policy is put into practice:
- The policy will be a priority in the business plan and corporate strategy;
- Employees and their representatives will be consulted regularly about the policy, and about related action plans and strategies;
- Managers and employees will be trained on our obligations under the Equalities Act 2010;
- Complaints about discrimination or harassment will be fully investigated.
Health and safety
It is our policy to establish, provide and maintain working conditions that are safe and healthy. Safe systems of work will be provided where appropriate.
We will provide all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision for our employees, so that their work does not put themselves, their colleagues, clients, visitors or members of the public at risk.
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require us to implement such safety arrangements as are appropriate, having regard for the nature of our activities, size and undertaking of the company, and for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventative and protective measures. We intend to conform to these requirements.
We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safe selection, use, maintenance, repair or replacement of machinery and equipment. A similar standard of care will be taken to cover any substances used in the premises, including their handling, storage and transport.
We will take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that a safe access to and exit from any place of work is provided and maintained.
All employees must take reasonable care of themselves and any other persons who may be affected by their actions or their omissions.
Employees must co-operate with their employees to allow legal obligations to be met. Items provided for health and safety purposes must not be misused.
Our Managing Director and other Directors are committed to maintaining the highest possible standards in Health & Safety and Welfare of its’ employees and others who could be affected by their work.
We will employ the best practical environmental options in the operation and delivery of provision of its services. We operate an integrated Management System which, in addition to meeting the requirements of applicable legislation, regulations and the standards, we will:
- Communicate the TTC Group’s Environmental policy and objectives to interested parties upon request;
- Encourage employees to participate in environmental improvement;
- Continuously monitor and improve environmental performance through a structured management programme within the ISO14001 framework;
- Reduce waste, energy and resource consumption whilst preventing pollution;
- Co-operate with suppliers to reduce impact on the environment.
We strive to achieve ‘Best Practice’ in all endeavours. Our aim is to administer and deliver road safety education and other training courses and services that can be looked to as ‘Best Practice’ nationally.
We will continually strive to seek new ways of working that will improve our service delivery.
We recognise that the key factor to achieving stability and growth is total customer satisfaction.
It is our policy to continually improve performance in all areas of service and delivery via the management standards: ISO:9001, ISO:14001, ISO:27001 and ISO:45001.
Improvement activities will specifically target customer requirements relating to:
- Delivery Performance;
- Health and Safety;
- Product Quality and Reliability;
- Customer Communication;
- Environmental Requirements.
Objectives and targets for the above improvement activities will be set and progressed through the Mid Term Planning Process.
To ensure that these requirements are met our management, through each and every employee is committed to the operation, maintenance and continual improvement of a formal integrated management system i.e. ISO:9001.
To read our website accessibility statement please see our go to our website accessibility page.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Everyone gets involved in helping others as part of a BIG corporate social responsibility ethos running throughout the whole organisation.
Dress down days and fancy dress events are enjoyed with enthusiasm by staff who bake cakes and turn up in some tremendous costumes to have fun and help raise funds for all sorts of worthy charities.
Complaints procedure
For information on making a complaint please go to our complaints procedure page.
Welsh language policy | Polisi Iaith gymraeg
We acknowledge the fact that under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 the Welsh language has official status, and should be treated no less favourably than the English language. We believe that it is good business practise to provide services in the language of choice of our customers. We also believe that it shows respect to our workforce to encourage and facilitate the use of their chosen language in the workplace.
Rydym yn cydnabod fod Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 yn rhoi statws swyddogol i’r Gymraeg a ni ddylid trin y Gymraeg yn llai ffafriol na’r Saesneg. Rydym yn credu ei bod yn arfer busnes dda i gynnig gwasanaethau yn newis iaith ein cwsmeriaid. Rydym hefyd yn credu ei fod yn dangos parch tuag at ein gweithlu i annog a hwyluso eu dewis iaith yn y gweithle.
Road safety
We are committed to road safety and we ensure that we share safe driving practices with our full staff group along with our clients, suppliers and customers.
Privacy and GDPR
For information on our privacy policy and any information you may provide us, please see our privacy and GDPR compliance policy page.
Modern slavery
We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships; implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.