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What a great 2018 it’s been

Home > News > What a great 2018 it’s been

Team Investment Additions  
Development manager
Training manager
Account manager
Implementation team expanded by 2
Senior administrator – Non UK and NI drivers
IT Business Investment  
Major software overhaul (9.4)
Updated IT systems servers bandwidth etc.
Closed our Web 1 legacy system
Changed service provider
Introduced new telephone system
Upgraded primary front end firewalls
Service Investment  
Classroom training added to in house services
Direct debits
Improved SLAs
Automated secure invoicing and back up reporting process
Optical recognition service phase 1 implemented
DocuSign implemented
Other Information  
Ongoing support of Brake
Fleetworld Honours award
FleetNews finalists


Here’s looking forward to 2019.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group