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Useful information on new residents eligibility to drive in the UK from the DVLA

Home > News > Useful information on new residents eligibility to drive in the UK from the DVLA
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flagsNew residents may drive here  on the strength of a valid non-EC/EEA driving licence or IDP for a period of 12 months from the date he takes up residence here.  This is provided for in British law through Sections 87 and 88 (5)(b) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Regulation 80 of the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999.  To ensure continuous driving entitlement beyond that 12-month period a full British driving licence must be obtained, either by way of exchange of a designated country licence or by passing a British driving test.

In order to be eligible to take a driving test in Great Britain a driver will need to hold a British provisional driving licence but their national driving licence or IDP will still be valid as a full licence until they go over the 12 month period allowed in law.

To take a driving test in Great Britain a driver must also be resident.

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