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Robust Licence Checking System leads to drivers self policing

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Pimlico Plumbers George Lusham highlights how having a robust licence checking system leads to drivers self policing.

All vans are fitted with telematics, enhancing the robust-ness of Pimlicos’ occupational road risk policy, while also ensuring its operations team can simultaneously monitor the location of tradesmen so new jobs can be allocated efficiently.

Since joining the company, Lusham has beefed-up its at-work safety policy by turning to the Freight Transport Assocciation’s driver licence checking service, which is provided by the Licence Bureau.  Previously, licence checking was managed internally and was an administrative burden with engineers having to attend in person for checks.

Lusham says: “We have since uncovered a number of engineers with points on their licence, which they had not disclosed, although they were all entitled to drive.  We have found that having telematics in vehicles, and the more robust licence checking system, has resulted in tradesmen almost self-policing themselves when driving.”

“Evidence from maintenance and repair records would suggest they are driving more carefully and, from the data returns, I can see that incidents of speeding and harsh acceleration and braking are reduced.  If engineers lose their licence, then they lose their job, so it is in their interests to drive within the law”

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Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group