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Police show drink driving danger

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A senior police chief and a Police and Crime Commissioner joined forces with TTC Group to show just how dangerous it is to drive under the influence of drink or drugs

Deputy Chief Constable Chris Singer uses the simulator
Deputy Chief Constable Chris Singer

“It shows massively just how drink or drug driving makes driving impossible to do,” said temporary Deputy Chief Constable Chris Singer, who crashed into the back of a car and mounted the pavement during the exercise.

He praised road safety organisation TTC, which educates 330,000 motorists each year to reduce road casualties, for their successful campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of drink driving.

“The key message is that this is all about road safety. People want to get home to enjoy this time of the year with their families and not to be in a hospital or a morgue on Christmas Day.”

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion, who ploughed through traffic cones during his drive, said: “I drove really badly. Alcohol and drugs affect how you drive. Ten people have lost their lives and more than 100 were seriously injured in West Mercia over the past 3 years.”

He said it was “a brilliant campaign” by TTC Group and a great example of using innovation to raise awareness about the dangers of drink driving especially before Christmas.

“As commissioner I will continue to support the police in doing all they can to make our roads safer. I am reassured by the police approach, both in terms of enforcement and awareness raising, and will continue to actively support initiatives and campaigns such as this,” Mr Campion concluded.

He praised Telford firm Woote, for providing the simulator, used to train emergency services and the corporate sector in the UK and across the world using specialist filmed scenarios.

Telford shopper Jordan McMurrie, 22, said: “I couldn’t believe just how hard it was to do. I had to grip the steering wheel really hard to try and stay straight, which was virtually impossible.”

Police were at the event to show how they carry out drink and drugs tests and TTC Group road safety specialists explained about the differing alcohol strengths as part of a “none for the road” campaign.

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Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group