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Help make our roads a safer place for all: Christmas 2018

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Licence Bureau reminds businesses of festive season driver compliance risks

Licence Bureau is reminding business drivers and fleet operators that with the festive season now in full-swing, compliance should remain top of the agenda.

In-line with the ‘party spirit’ around this time of year, Licence Bureau is advising compliance managers to pay specific attention to alcohol, drugs, in-car smartphone use and general fatigue policies. It is specifying utmost clarity relating to these areas and stringent process in place to manage any unforeseen incidents.

Malcolm Maycock, managing director of Licence Bureau said, “We want all business drivers and fleet managers to be very aware of how to remain compliant during the festive season. This is not a case of being a ‘party pooper’, it’s a case of allowing people to have a good time, safe in the knowledge they are compliant with company policy, and health and safety legislation.

“It’s particularly important that the areas stigmatised by the festive season are addressed and clarity is given to each and every driver within the fleet, and that includes grey fleet drivers too.”

Reiterating the advice to fleet operators, Licence Bureau has introduced a social media campaign of short films themed ‘Help make our roads a safer place for all’, supported by road safety charity Brake. The campaign is aimed at raising awareness around the heightened risk of driver distractions and dangers during the festive season.

Malcolm continued, “Experience tells us our simple, impactful messages resonate deeply with drivers and organisations. If we can help people stop and think, and ultimately help prevent any road traffic incidents over the festive season then that is a success.”

The campaign covers areas such as alcohol and drugs, use of smartphones and tiredness which all increase the chances of accidents.

Christmas Drink Driving

Christmas Mobile

Christmas Sat-Nav

Christmas Fatigue

Christmas Load

Christmas Compliance

Vulnerable Road Users at Christmas

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group