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Rehabilitation course reduces drink drive offences

Home > News > Rehabilitation course reduces drink drive offences

Recent research published by the Department of Justice Northern Ireland finds that drink drive offenders who complete the Course for Drink Drive Offenders (CDDO), delivered by TTC Group, significantly reduces reoffending rates

The courts in Northern Ireland can offer drink-drive offenders the opportunity to attend a drink-drive rehabilitation course as a sentencing option. Where an offender is disqualified for 12 months or more the court may order the period of disqualification be reduced if the offender satisfactorily completes an approved Course for Drink-Drive Offenders.

Attendance is voluntary and those successfully completing the course can receive a reduction of up to 25% in the period of disqualification.

The educational tackles the problems associated with drink-driving, giving participants the chance to develop future non-offending behaviour and, thereby, reduce reoffending.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group