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DfT Stats release 2015

Death and serious injuries on UK roads increased by 4%

Home > News > Death and serious injuries on UK roads increased by 4%
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Figures released today by the Department of Transport for 2014 show that people killed and seriously injured on UK roads has risen. With deaths and serious injuries on UK roads having increased by 4% in the year ending September 2014, with deaths up by 1%.

In reported road traffic accidents for the year ending September 2014:

  • road deaths increased by 1% compared to the year ending September 2013, to 1,730
  • there were 24,360 killed or seriously injured (KSI) casualties, a 4% increase compared with the previous year
  • there were 192,910 reported road casualties of all severities, 5% higher than the 184,087 for the year ending September 2013
  • motor traffic levels rose by 2% compared with the 12 month period ending September 2013. The overall casualty rate per vehicle mile increased by 3% for the same period

Between July and September 2014:

  • there were 450 road deaths, a 4% decrease from the same quarter in 2013
  • KSI casualties decreased by 2% to 6,450 whereas slightly injured casualties remained unchanged from the same quarter in 2013

The quarterly provisional estimates series provides in year estimates of personal injury road accidents and their casualties. These are published to allow emerging trends to be monitored between the publications of annual figures.


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