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Fundraising to support the crisis in Ukraine

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TTC Group staff fundraising for Ukraine

Through several fundraising activities and events, including dress down days, bingo and cake sales, TTC staff have managed to raise £280 to buy essentials to help refugees during the Ukraine crisis.

As part of TTC Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility commitments, the funds raised by TTC staff were doubled by TTC’s Board, helping to increase the impact of our charitable work.

Our employees are encouraged to nominate charities that represent their local communities, or support causes that are of personal interest.

This latest fundraiser forms part of a larger effort to help provide essential supplies to Ukraine’s refugees, which is being coordinated by a local pub, The Plough in Wellington, Telford.

Philippa Davies, a Service Delivery Agent for TTC, along with a team of colleagues helped to organise the fundraiser events, purchasing selected supplies that are currently in short supply.

TTC staff have delivered the supplies to The Plough, where plans are in place to transport all donations into Europe, to neighbouring countries that are welcoming Ukrainian refugees.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group