TTC Group has become one of the few companies to achieve recognition for its commitment to road traffic safety from the British Standards Institute (BSI)
The UK training organisation, which educates 330,000 each year to reduce casualties, has been awarded the ISO 39001 certificate, a top stamp of approval for road traffic safety given to the industry’s elite performers underpinning the philosophy and working practices of its corporate training and risk management division.
Photo: David Finney accepts the award
The BSI, which aims to turn business best practice into ‘habits of excellence’ made the award after a 3-day assessment of TTC Group’s road traffic safety management system.
Established in the road safety industry for more than 20 years, the company’s working practices were audited for compliance, including managing work related road safety for the corporate fleet sector as well as running nationwide courses for police to improve driving behaviour.
TTC’s flagship system, which helps both large companies and SMEs manage road risk for staff who drive for work and the ‘grey fleet’, contributed to the company achieving the accreditation, said TTC Group’s Quality Manager David Finney.
“Companies use TTC’s sophisticated techniques to identify risks for individual drivers and get professional advice on how to successfully intervene, manage those risks and create a safer road safety environment for employees.
“A quarter of all road crashes are work related making driving one of the most hazardous activities that employees are exposed to.
The BSI standard also ensures the organisation’s strong policies and procedures, high levels of competence, legal compliance and commitment to continually improve.