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TTC adds to suite of Out of Court Disposal courses with restorative justice program to rehabilitate hate crime offenders.

Home > News > TTC adds to suite of Out of Court Disposal courses with restorative justice program to rehabilitate hate crime offenders.

As work continues on a major review of prison sentencing due to be published this spring[i], training and compliance expert, TTC, is adding to its suite of Out of Court Disposal courses (OOCD) with a new Hate Crime Course. It is believed that the sentencing review will lead to increased use of different forms of punishment and rehabilitation outside jails, and the TTC suite of courses meets this ambition by providing restorative justice to low-level offenders as an alternative to going to court.

The Hate Crime Course has been designed using psychological research and behavioural change intervention techniques to support modifying offender behaviour to minimise the chances of them reoffending in the future.  It will also help them identify and understand the emotions that triggered the crime and how it impacted their victim and that victim’s community. Furthermore, it will develop management strategies so that the offender can empathetically establish a way forward to reduce the chances of them carrying out a hate crime again. The workshop style course is delivered online and is designed to be fully inclusive, accommodating a range of learning needs and encourages discussion and conversation throughout.

The new course will complement TTC’s six established behaviour change courses designed to deliver fast restorative justice which reduce reoffending and relieve police of the administrative burden of Out of Court Disposals. Existing courses include the Victim Awareness Course, Alcohol Education Course, Drugs Education Course, Assaults on Emergency Workers Course and the Antisocial Driving (Young Drivers) course.

For further information please visit Out of Court Disposal Courses




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