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Absolute Road Safety Compliance for JLL

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Employing more than 2,500 people and operating from 29 offices throughout the UK, providing a range of services to the property sector including investment, project management and professional services, JLL needed to partner a company which could fulfil its extensive vehicle compliance requirements.

With its award-winning Compliance Managed Services (CMS) portal, Licence Bureau will maintain the records of the company’s drivers who represent JLL on business as part of its duty of care obligations.

The system manages drivers’ details whether behind the wheel of a company car or as part of its grey fleet whereby employees use their own vehicle for company business.

In order to assess the drivers and non-drivers within JLL, Licence Bureau undertook an audit of over 900 employees, before beginning the process of seeing whether they are eligible for a Permit to Drive on business.

Licence Bureau implements regular checks of drivers’ licenses, up to a cumulative 400 across the business, monitoring entitlement to drive as well as tracking the number of endorsements or other critical information, such as whether a licence is about to expire. Any alerts are immediately flagged up to the JLL management team.

Malcolm Maycock, managing director of Licence Bureau, commented: “With drivers’ information and driving records stored electronically as well as large organisations having offices and staff spread over a wide geographical area, it is extremely difficult to be confident that your records are up-to-date, often not until it’s too late.

“Our system gives employers peace of mind in the increasingly and, rightly so, compliant culture in which businesses have to operate.”

JLL’s head of UK operations, Darren Battle, (pictured right)  added: “We have a duty to both our employees and other road users that when driving on company business they comply with all the required legislation. Licence Bureau’s portal provides us with a highly effective way to manage what would otherwise be a massive task which we would struggle to handle manually. The tool gives us complete confidence that we are fully compliant when it comes to driver eligibility.”

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group