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FAQs for DVLA policy change on revocation of driving licences

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Licence Bureau have received additional FAQ information direct from the DVLA in regards of our previous bulletin, “DVLA policy change affect 42,000 UK drivers per annum”.  Below is the concise FAQs document as supplied by DVLA Operational Support & Development Directorate.
(FAQ information correct as of 16th December 2010).

Q&A Revocation of licences previously with section 88 cover

Q1. Why have you changed the law?

After a challenge by Police and Home Office we reviewed legislation and concluded that where drivers failed to comply with the law, they should no longer have cover to drive.

Q2. When did this change?

The change came into effect on 8 November 2010.

Q3. When will a driver qualify for the concessionary period to drive?

A driver qualifies for the concessionary period where s/he sends his/her licence to the DVLA for endorsement or, where the licence is unavailable applies for a duplicate. If the revocation has taken effect, a driver will need to send his/her licence to the Agency (if available) along with an application form to renew his/her entitlement to drive.

Q4. When will the DVLA revoke my licence?

If a Court has notified DVLA of an endorsement and the licence was not submitted DVLA will update the record and write to the driver asking for the licence (1st letter). The letter states that their licence will be revoked in 28 days if they do not contact the Agency. If, after 28 days, DVLA has not received the licence, DVLA will write to the driver revoking their entitlement to drive for non-compliance (2nd letter). The record will be updated to show that their licence to drive has expired.

Q5. What if I receive a letter and have lost my licence?

You can telephone DVLA on 0300 123 0792 and obtain a duplicate licence over the phone and DVLA will not revoke your entitlement to drive.

Q6. What if the points are already on my licence?

The law requires that you send your licence to DVLA so that they can confirm the points are on the licence to ensure that you are not revoked. We will return your licence as soon as possible.

Q7. I’ve sent my licence in or applied for a duplicate within 28 days, however I have received a second letter to tell me I have been revoked. What should I do?

You should contact DVLA immediately. If a licence or application has been received within 28 days your entitlement to drive will not be revoked. In the event that the revocation marker has been placed on the record, we can take steps to remove it and re-instate the licence.

Q7a. What are customers required to do if they have already been advised by DVLA that they can continue to drive for 12 months under this concession?

They should surrender their licence and counterpart so that we can update their licence and driver record. If they have lost their licence, they should apply to DVLA for a duplicate.

Q7b. How many drivers are still affected by the old 12 month rule?

Approximately 42,000 drivers are affected. However, this figure reduces over time as drivers transact with DVLA.

Q7c. Will you write to all those affected?

Most drivers will eventually have contact with DVLA and will be able to reclaim their entitlement to drive. We will not be writing to those affected.

Q7d. When will you start actioning these?

See above.

Q8. If DVLA have advised a driver that they have 12 months concessionary period to drive and the vehicle is then impounded by the police – what should they do?

Drivers will have received up to four letters from the Court and DVLA asking them to surrender their licence and will have failed to do so. If they believe that their vehicle has been seized wrongly, they should take this up with the Police.

Q9. Will their insurance still be valid?

Drivers should contact their insurers for advice.

Q10. Who did the DVLA tell of the change?

DVLA contacted police forces and the Courts (through Ministry of Justice), VOSA and DSA. Companies who have access to driver records or carry out driving licence entitlement checks were also informed.

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View our initial report DVLA policy change effect 42000 UK drivers per annum »

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