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Malcolm Maycock

What I’ve learnt: Malcolm Maycock

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Malcolm Maycock, managing director of Licence Bureau
Malcolm Maycock, managing director of Licence Bureau

Malcolm Maycock, managing director of the Licence Bureau, on the pros and cons of a police background and working with government.

I have learnt over the years that honesty and integrity are two of the most endearing attributes a person can have. Once lost, they are gone forever, so if you want to be respected then this is a crucial lesson you must abide by.

Dealing with people

The police force taught me a number of skill sets at the outset of my working life for which I am most grateful. Dealing with people at their worst in very stressful and sometimes life-threatening situations has kept the day-to-day stresses of business life in perspective. You often need to sit back and really take an objective view.

Know who you are dealing with

The downside of my police training is my tendency to see the worst in people or have doubts about them. I have learnt in my business life not to be over cautious but to never deal on face value. Knowledge is king and to understand the needs of others is extremely important.

Honesty and integrity

I have learnt over the years that honesty and integrity are two of the most endearing attributes a person can have. Once lost, they are gone forever, so if you want to be respected then this is a crucial lesson you must abide by. I think this is how I would like to be remembered.

Running a business

This provides huge pleasure and enjoyment. We now have over 30 staff at Licence Bureau and to see individuals grow is a huge pleasure and one you learn from every day. That said, the main lesson is never to stand still and to continually work on the business and strive to move forward at every opportunity that is presented. This is what I would constantly drum into myself as an 18-year-old.

Working with government

I first went to the DVLA in 2000 and finally agreed the three-year consent form with them in 2003, which subsequently became the industry standard. Government is a very complicated beast that requires nurturing and is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. I have had the pleasure of meeting some fabulous characters in that time far removed from what you may expect.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group